C.P. Mac's Fan Page

Monday, July 21, 2008


Had an AWESOME time this weekend. I was in my first wedding--Kailie, one of my very good friends, married Jacob on Saturday (07.19.08). Sawyer, her son (and one Malachi's best friends) was the ring-bearer and his cousin, Lily, was the flower girl. She only has three bridesmaids, but it was so sweet and simple. I wasn't the official photographer (seeing as I was in the wedding), but I documented the Bachelorette party (which I also hosted), the rehearsal and rehearsal dinner, and pre-wedding events...I was a BUSY girl this weekend!

Friday, July 11, 2008


Hair, originally uploaded by C.P. MAC Photography.

I am still editing pictures of Courtney from back in May (has it really been like 2 months already? This is my most recent, and I like it ALOT!

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Looking Up

Looking Up, originally uploaded by C.P. MAC Photography.

Malachi, spinning on a Sunday afternoon. What a little cutie--I love my man!