C.P. Mac's Fan Page

Wednesday, October 29, 2008


Originally uploaded by Ryan Brenizer

This is my choice. This is my candidate. Because he supports life. Because he has the experience. Because he has chosen a most excellent running mate. Because he is presidential material. Because he does not plan to take my money and give to those who will not work.
And because he is not Obama.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Christmas special!

I'm also working up a package which includes the Christmas cards.

Christmas card pricing is $25 for 25 cards, ala carte.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Anna and Kyle ~ 10.03.08

Shot my first engagement session earlier this month with Anna and Kyle. They are too cute together and were suprisingly adventurous. In the woods, wading through a cotton field (complete with mice scurrying across the ground), on a manmade beach, kicking in a lake, and standing in a pool.

This is the completed DVD, just not quite as high quality.
Anna and Kyle both love Nat King Cole and Norah Jones, so...



Stories told,
Scriptures taught.
But nothing truer
than truth in flesh.
More real
for his presence.
Holding in his spirit,
protecting with a wary eye.

When I push.
He steps in still.
pulls me,
reigns me,
Safety all around me.
Security in his arms.