C.P. Mac's Fan Page

Monday, January 12, 2009

Anna's Programs, A Sick Malachi

I just sat down with Anna and designed the program for her and Kyle's wedding at the beach in April. The front is three of their engagement portraits, and the back is their monogram and the order of service...
I can't let ya'll see till her wedding, though--it would ruin the surprise!
Speaking of which, I am SUPER-excited about finally being able to post her bridal portaits--better reign that excitement in for a few more months, though =D

Malachi has been sick. He's on antibiotics, but he keeps coughing and randomly running a high temp. I just want to cuddle him up...After Anna left, I came downstairs and tried to quitely sneak into my room without waking him...which was pointless, because he was awake--"You weft" he said sadly. "Why'd you weave me?" It was SO precious!

So, if you're on Facebook with me, you know I've been posting some recently edited photos from a Photographic Adventure I went on last Saturday with some friends of mine...

Here are some faves:

I am SO proud of my little man for this one. That's right--Malachi is a budding photographer. =D I think I may even give him a point and shoot digital for his birthday.

Friday, January 2, 2009

Biting the Bullet

I have been SO busy lately! I'm sitting in the living room right now with Britnee, Josiah, Momma, Aunt Sheri, Uncle Chip, my dad, and Tabi. Malachi's in his room presumably taking a nap, but a few minutes ago he was sitting in bed playing.

I am SO behind with the photo editing. I don't have any client work to do, but I want to finish the Fab 5 adventure pics, and all the ones from New Orleans last weekend. I do have a teaser for ya...

I am SO excited about new lenses. I got my list of *photog wishes* from Jasmine Star's blog where she lists everything in her bag--and let me tell you, I want EVERYTHING in her bag! I'll let you know when I actually bite the bullet and buy a new lens. Probably with my new camera.

Speaking of biting the bullet....I bit the bullet and bought the Bullet! The Magic Bullet that is...

I have seriously been wanting one for YEARS now and I saw it in Costco on sale for $40 and my heart just couldn't stop pounding...

Fast forward 24 hours and my whole family is exclaiming about how amazing my homemade cheesecake is...truly magic; thank you, Bullet. =D