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Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Tucking Cars In and Growing Pains

Yeah, so my child is TOO cute.

Night before last, he asked for my three model Beetles and he was playing with them all over the place--they were driving on walls and down the hallway...

Now, Tabitha (my 9 y.o. sister) has this Barbie/American Girl doll bed...

It was getting late and I heard Malachi over by the fireplace saying, "Night night, night night beep-beep"...

I wonder what he's talking about so I go look and he has tucked all three cars into the bed, along with a small teddy bear and a pocket-sized New Testament Bible. And I just want to eat him up he's so precious. See, he always sleeps with a bear...in fact, sometimes he goes to sleep with two bears. And before we go to bed, I try to read a story to him, usually out of his Bible storybook.
And then he loves the movie Cars (he watches it at least once daily), and in the movie, Cars are people, and so, to him, putting Cars in bed and tucking them in with a teddy bear and Bible makes perfect sense.

I think it was the same night that he got growing pains for the first time. Well, we're pretty sure that's what they were. We get in bed late and went straight to sleep, and then I'm startled awake by Malachi screaming in pain and crying, "Mommie, mommie"...I asked him what was wrong and he said, "Huht (which is tranlated hurt), bo-bo (which is an ouchie, owie, boo boo, whatever everyone else called it when they were a kid)" and it took me the longest time to figure out what he was saying because he was crying so uncontrollably and flipping around all over the bed, and then he just kept crying "My weg (leg), my weg!" It was SO sad! I prayed over him and shortly afterward he quieted down and fell back to sleep. A couple of hours later, he wakes up crying again, except this time I think I'm gonnna be able to fix it, so I go get the electronic massager thing out of the hall closet. I plug it in and turn it on and he started screaming like a banshee, terrified blood curdling screaming and trying to get away from the thing...needless to say, that didn't get rid of the cramps because he wouldn't let me get close to him with it...he had but one thing to say about it--"scare me, scare me!" So, I prayed over him again, and again he quieted down and fell right to sleep. I remember murmuring a very grateful "Thank you, Jesus" as I dozed off.

30 minutes of sweet sleep went by and...

my 5:30 alarm goes off and I'm getting in the shower and ready for work and running on 4 hours of sleep, because I'm a Mama, and that's how I do. =D