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Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Not much time

About to start studying Peter--especially the issue about faith. Going to get Tom Benz' message from October and listen to that and really start studying it. I'm pretty excited.

Oh, excitement! I'm joining Planet Fitness, that new gym today, so I'll be lean and mean and fit and trim and ALL that jazz =D

I really need to remember to give LIFE updates here...write more later...

Thursday, January 17, 2008


Went to see Paul (Lewis-my boss from Cornerstone) yesterday at the Rennaissance. I guess I basically have the job, but since it's a big company, there are policies and procedures for everything, so I had to go through a short interview (after waiting for an hour), and today his assistant, Jennifer, is supposed to be calling and I'll probably have to go there after work for uniform fitting which are today.
Uniform fitting--that speaks much higher class than I've ever working in the restaurant industry, so I'm pretty excited. I love working here with Dr. Cornwell, and I am SO blessed to have this positition and in this location and even to have the awesome co-workers that I love like family. I just really want to get a start on financial stability...to save money to build a house for Malachi and me and also to be able to give more into ministry and missions, and even to be able to have a fund saved up to go on missions trips myself.
oops. which reminds me that i need to go get my passport SOON...did you know that there's now a new law that you have to have a passport to travel to Mexico and Canada, too? Not that I'm very concerned about Canada, but I'm going back to Mexico this summer, God-willing.

Yeah, speaking of God's will, there are other things close to my heart that I believe sincerely are in God's will, but I am earnestly seeking Him on it. When I find something out, or rather, when it finally happens and falls into place, it will definitely be written about in full detail--to the GLORY OF GOD!

Monday, January 7, 2008

His plans stand firm

So, Kacy and I were talking last night about God's plans and she said, well, God can change His plans though, like in Exodus when He got so fed up with the Israelites that he threatened to kill them all and Moses intervened.

Which got me thinking on this question: Does God change His mind? Does He change His plans?

And the answer is No, absolutely not.

He is not man that he should lie. He ALWAYS keeps His promises. Before we were born, he had already written out our entire lives.

The situation with Moses, I think, was that...

(March 29, 2008)
Because God is all and knows all--past, present, and future--he knew the man of faith that Moses was, he knew that Moses also had a relationship with him and that he would actively question God's promise, reminding him that His name was at sake, and whether the people of Israel deserved it, God had made a promise and for the glory of God's name, He would lead them into the promised land.
Of course, the Israelites weren't let off the hook completely, but at the same time, they did enter the promised land, just as the Lord promised (hence the "promised" in "promised land")...
Because "the Lord’s plans stand firm forever; his intentions can never be shaken." -Psalm 33:11-

Thursday, January 3, 2008

Macey got her first patient request yesterday--I'm so PROUD of her!

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

New Year's Resolutions (Part I)

Of course, I have to be all cliche' and impose New Year's Resolutions upon myself, so...here it goes...

#1 I say this every year, but this year I will actually read through my Bible. The NLT One Year Bible has a good reading plan and i have it on my google homepage so i can read it online, and this morning i printed out January's reading chart, so that doubles my chances of actually following through. and it gives me a good reason to spend time in God's Word. I mean, alot of the time, I don't really know where to start reading, and i just randomly open which really cuts down on how much i read because i'll skim a few verses here and there but not really dig in and EAT and feed the hunger. With all that I went through last year, well, this year has got to be different. Which leads to goal #2...

#2 Trust God more. Unfortunately, there's really no way to define this one--no way to measure whether i accomplish it or not. But, I am pretty sure i will be much happier and joyful and like my life a good deal more if i really trust God, knowing that Psalm 138:8 is truth. "The Lord will work out His plans for my life--for your faithful love, O Lord, endures forever. Don't abandon me, for you made me."

#3 Teach Malachi his ABC's. I was going to do with "Be a better mom" but I don't need another immeasurable goal. I'll take baby steps, one little goal at a time with Malachi, and slowly but surely be a better mom by accomplishing little things like this.

More to come...I'm so far from perfect, my list could go on FOREVER. So, I'll just pray and sift the wheat from the tares...=D