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Wednesday, January 2, 2008

New Year's Resolutions (Part I)

Of course, I have to be all cliche' and impose New Year's Resolutions upon myself, so...here it goes...

#1 I say this every year, but this year I will actually read through my Bible. The NLT One Year Bible has a good reading plan and i have it on my google homepage so i can read it online, and this morning i printed out January's reading chart, so that doubles my chances of actually following through. and it gives me a good reason to spend time in God's Word. I mean, alot of the time, I don't really know where to start reading, and i just randomly open which really cuts down on how much i read because i'll skim a few verses here and there but not really dig in and EAT and feed the hunger. With all that I went through last year, well, this year has got to be different. Which leads to goal #2...

#2 Trust God more. Unfortunately, there's really no way to define this one--no way to measure whether i accomplish it or not. But, I am pretty sure i will be much happier and joyful and like my life a good deal more if i really trust God, knowing that Psalm 138:8 is truth. "The Lord will work out His plans for my life--for your faithful love, O Lord, endures forever. Don't abandon me, for you made me."

#3 Teach Malachi his ABC's. I was going to do with "Be a better mom" but I don't need another immeasurable goal. I'll take baby steps, one little goal at a time with Malachi, and slowly but surely be a better mom by accomplishing little things like this.

More to come...I'm so far from perfect, my list could go on FOREVER. So, I'll just pray and sift the wheat from the tares...=D