C.P. Mac's Fan Page

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Last night--God is AMAZING!

Taken from my scribblings last night at Axxess (no editing--just pure me and God):
Something is happening and has already begun.
I no longer cling relentlessly to the idea of true love in persistance.
I purpose to persist in knowing true love, He who relentlessly pursues me.
Is there any other? Is there any human example of this mightly selflessness that may suffice?
No. There is only One. One lover, one love. Him, me.
How fruitlessly have I focused, how blindly have I fought like a child, kicking and screaming, proclaiming my own maturity when all I should have done, all that would bring me joy is to surrender to my pain, my vulnerability and curl up in His arms, collapse and allow Him to breathe for me.
Somehow, I thought that if I let go, I would lose my "true" love.
The truth is, my true love only wanted me to love Him.
I need to fall in love with You.
I need to cling to You and Your truth, and live and breathe in Your essence.
like a child, I cling to You, knowing full well that nothing depends on me.
What freedom to know that--to rest on and in You.

Thursday, May 15, 2008

High five

, originally uploaded by Fotos de Fonseca.

Me and my kid, musicians...or at least, we're both wannabes...=D

Note from my Momma; On Faith

I started this post at the end of April and have been adding a few words here and there since then.

The sweet, encouraging note my Momma sent to work with me yesterday:

How right she is!

So, how bout God told Tyler to pray for me and Macey and what he was praying for me coincides PERFECTLY with God's Words to me--I know I am not crazy, though I am quite a bit humbled...GOD chose to talk to ME! He cares about my hurts--like, I know this and have known this, but to step back and look at what you're going through and go, WOW, God is present and sovereign and He TRULY cares that I am hurting and the day of His salvation is at hand, He is coming quickly all for me...oh, how unfailing is His love.

The thought occured to me yesterday, on the subject of faith...

So, I continually screw up. I mean, I am not perfect, and while I am confident that the Lord will complete His good work in me, well, I am just...human. Not as if that's an explanation. Having received the grace of God through Christ, you'd think I needn't go back to the cross, like, daily.

Ok, so the point is this: No, I don't deserve it, this blessing God is bringing to me--in NO way have I earned it or have I even pleased God--and I was asking Him about this, just please don't take it away from me, because God, if I were You, I wouldn't bless me (basically, that's the jist of my prayer), and He placed in my spirit this verse from Hebrews--that Abraham was declared righteous by his faith. Not because he was perfect, but because he believed without ceasing God's promises as well as the character of God.
Today, we are still declared righteous by God through our faith.
Which at times is even more difficult to control than our actions--the mind is something terrible and the devil's fiery darts mentioned in Ephesians, I believe, are doubt.
Stand firm in faith, CRAZY belief in both God and His promises, for He is true to His word!

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

How I adore my little boy!

How I adore, originally uploaded by C.P. MAC Photography.

We've been having so much fun together lately.

He especially enjoys me tickling him. In fact, the other night, he wouldn't go to sleep until he was all giggled out.

I told him on the phone on my way home last night that I was going to tickle him when I got home from work, and one of the first things he did when I walked in the door was say, "Na-na-na-boo-boo!" and take of running and saying, "Tickle me!"

I can't wait to get off of work today and play with him...although, Axxess is tonight and I won't get to spend much time with him...

I do get to play bass, though, and that always brightens my day (as does worshipping my God who loves me, of course!)

I am so excited at whatever God is doing...I can just feel it in my spirit...He is working something out for good...

I'm pumped!

Friday, May 9, 2008


Content, originally uploaded by C.P. MAC Photography.

Love this pic. Just wanted to link it to my blog...
Love my polka dot shirt, love the half face...just playing around but i really like it.

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Back Pocket

Back Pocket, originally uploaded by C.P. MAC Photography.

I love my best friend. I had to call him today to tell him that.

I wonder what will happen when we are both serious with someone...

Today's troubles are enough for today, God will give grace for tomorrow's trouble tomorrow.

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Relax and Contemplate

Polish at the Park, originally uploaded by C.P. MAC Photography.

Relaxed some today. Went to the park with my best friend, Aaron, and we talked and read some from Psalms and basically figured out a bunch of stuff, and then tonight, at Axxess, it was as if Ryan had heard our entire conversation--from prayer to the message, God confirmed EVERYTHING.

All in all, my focus is Jesus. Everything else is second place.

God is amazing.