C.P. Mac's Fan Page

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Last night--God is AMAZING!

Taken from my scribblings last night at Axxess (no editing--just pure me and God):
Something is happening and has already begun.
I no longer cling relentlessly to the idea of true love in persistance.
I purpose to persist in knowing true love, He who relentlessly pursues me.
Is there any other? Is there any human example of this mightly selflessness that may suffice?
No. There is only One. One lover, one love. Him, me.
How fruitlessly have I focused, how blindly have I fought like a child, kicking and screaming, proclaiming my own maturity when all I should have done, all that would bring me joy is to surrender to my pain, my vulnerability and curl up in His arms, collapse and allow Him to breathe for me.
Somehow, I thought that if I let go, I would lose my "true" love.
The truth is, my true love only wanted me to love Him.
I need to fall in love with You.
I need to cling to You and Your truth, and live and breathe in Your essence.
like a child, I cling to You, knowing full well that nothing depends on me.
What freedom to know that--to rest on and in You.