C.P. Mac's Fan Page

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

RE: Nikki's post

Funny that you mention all that.
Today's the first truly rainy day we've had in a LONG time, and it is oddly comforting to me. Driving to work was...peaceful. Surrounded by rain, not able to see but maybe a quarter mile ahead of me...the world wasn't so big anymore.
Who was it in the Bible that said "I don't concern myself with matters too great for me"? David, I think.

Malachi's absolute FAVORITE story is Jesus calming the waves.
David and Goliath--okay whatever, he was a giant, big deal.
But when Jesus says, "Peace, be still..." That is Malachi's favorite line. Sometimes, when I'm upset with him, Malachi will say in his most authoritative voice, "Peace, be still."

I quiet myself like a child, I still myself in the presence of the Lord, delighting in, finding peace in the comfort of His heart.


Anonymous said...

That's pretty awesome. He's a precocious one, that Malachi. I can't wait to see him again!