C.P. Mac's Fan Page

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Heather + Rick Sneak Peek!

Sorry the site's been down for a few days ya'll! I stayed up till 12:30 last night working on it, and plan on suffering some extreme sleep deficiency to complete it tonight! I am so SUPER-excited about it, though!

Some new stuff headed your way--new gallery and proofing site at cpmac.smugmug.com which is already up and running...As customizable as it is, it's not my absolute choice, but it's pretty awesome as far as clients go. All you do is go there, locate your album, and view all your photos. You can also order prints (as can any of your friends and family) and pay by credit card (oooo...my weakness!)

Oh, and soon to come--FREQUENT blog posts!!! Yay!!!

Shot a super-fun wedding in Gulf Shores this weekend for Heather + Rick--and we can't forget their precious little man Cayton! (He walked his momma down the aisle!) Got to know the wedding couple as well as their friends and family and had a blast doing it! Heather and Rick also opted for a First Look, which was just SO beautiful, so be looking forward to that!

Every post is better with a pic, so here's a capture of all the fun and laughter! More to come soon!


Mike said...

While you may be a good Bassist (many do not know that), you are a wonderful Photographer. Bless you in all your endeavors, Knothead.

Anonymous said...

Awesome, as usual. Man, you're going to be SO good by the time I need to call on you to do my wedding pics...
