C.P. Mac's Fan Page

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Carolyn Jean

So, Mr. Robert is one of my patients at the dentists office I work at...and he is oen of the sweetest, kindest men ever. For instance, the second time he came into the office, 6 months after the first time I met him, he grinned at me from over the counter and asked how my little boy, Malachi, was doing (yes, he not only remembered that I have a son, but remembered his name, too). That's apparently just how he is. Well, in one of our conversations, I mentioned photography to him, and somehow, I ended up at his daughter, Tiffany's, home today, captured photographs of his precious (and quite precocious) grandaughter, Carolyn Jean.
Tiffany and her husband, Larry (but you can just call him "Tadpole" she told me with a smile, and I was all like, well, alright, "Hi, Tadpole. I'm Chelsea. Nice to meet you") had been married for 20 years when Miss Cutie came along--a total surprise and blessing at the same time!

And let me tell you, Tiffany has her daddy's same loving, caring personality, and Carolyn Jean has both her momma's and grandaddy's!

Here are a few ADORABLE shots of Miss Carolyn Jean:

How much personality can you pack into such a tiny thing?!

Our little superstar was just a wee bit worn out after a full day of modeling...