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Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Baby Cooper: Part I

I am so blessed to work with children with just giant personalities!
Take Cooper for example--he is only 3 months old, yet he looks directly at the camera pretty much on demand and smiles in return for your smile...

He is one gorgeous baby, and it's no wonder--when I arrived at Jessica and Warren's house and Jessica answered the door, I was smitten with how beautiful she was (and stylish, too!).

Look at that crocodile tear--poor baby--he was HUNGRY!
Darling tiny toes, held close by his momma...
Such a peaceful afternoon...

Mother and child--nothing more beautiful!

Laughing little boy

Whenever Jessica smiled really big-ly (I know that's not a word--it's a CPMAC-ism) at Cooper, he would burst out into a matching big grin...