Now, where might that money come from? Oh, it would be even better if I could have it before I go to Mexico in July.
Speaking of which, oh yeah, by the way, I'm going to Mexico with Mike and Vikki and Love the Children Ministries again this summer, the last week of July. YAY!
Lord, I want to thank you for my many blessings. You've spoken to me in so many ways and given me so many things, more than I could've dreamed, and hey, you're still actively guiding my life--THANK YOU JESUS!
I was listening to Christ for the Nations and "When I Speak Your Name" still draws tears whenever I hear. Just acknowledging and singing about the fact that the name of our Lord and Savior is SO powerful--"When i speak your name, mountains move, chains are loosed"...I find myself shouting in my car, "In the name of Jesus Christ, mountain be moved. Oh please Jesus, move the mountain, loose the chains, only you are able, only through You are all things possible, only through Your name, and for the sake of Your name, is there such awesome power!"
Kacy's birthday is Monday, and we're probably going to eat Sunday afternoon. I bought her a really pretty black glass frame and I'm going to put this picture in it:

I'm pretty tired now. I don't quite know what it is God wants me to be doing with my life, but I know that He's leading me, guiding me, planning something. I'll just follow and trust him--of course, I may not do it very well all the time, but I'm always learning and always learning to lean on Him and rest in His arms, and most of all to TRUST His promises, TRUST His ways, TRUST His love.
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