The only thing that counts is faith living it out in love
The only thing that counts is faith living it out in love
And love covers over a multitude of sins
And love makes up for oh so many things
The only thing that counts is faith living it out in love
The only thing that counts is faith, let's live it out in love
Christ is the fire that keeps this love alive
We will shine brighter when He is our delight
The only thing that counts is faith living it out in love
The only thing that counts is faith, let's live it out in love
Love covers over oh so many sins,
Let's live it out, let's give it all to Him
He is the fire,
He'll keep this love alive
We'll shine so bright'
Cause He is our delight
The Only Thing That Counts
Christine Dente
I've thought to myself, "What is the point of life?," as I'm sure we all have. And the only thing that makes sense to me is this: The thing that really counts is first of all, walking in God's will, and what makes life worthwhile is to love and be loved in return. I Corinthians 13, in Chelsea paraphrase, says "Nothing counts if you don't have love, LOVE is what it's all about" (it being life, our existence). That, I'm sure, is because God is love. His love for us is the reason for his plan of salvation, the reason for his creation of mankind in the first place--all that He is and all that He does is due to love. Even His punishment is out of love--Hebrews 12:6 says, "For the Lord disciplines those he loves, and he punishes each one he accepts as his child.” So, everything that he does and that He allows is to grow us and shape us more and more into His image, into who He is so that we can melt into His heart's shape. So, not only to love and be loved in this love, but really we are continually being shaped to BE LOVE, just as our Father IS LOVE.
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