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Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Not to us, but to Your name be the glory!

"Not to us, Lord, not to us
but to your name be the glory,
because of your love and faithfulness."
~Psalm 115:1~

Aaron told me to read Psalm 116 today, and I happened upon the above verse, which I think I needed to read. Well, I don't think--I know.

We all want to feel needed, necessary to the Kingdom, to our church. But there exists a fine line between wanting to walk in God's will, wanting to BE all that He has designed us to be, to carry out his purposes and wanting to be recognized. I guess that's something that we all face, in some form, shape, or fashion. To be recognized as "in charge" in the church, someone to look to. But really, who's glory do we (or should we) do all things for? It is for the name of Jesus Christ, for the name and glory of Jehovah God, our Father, the I AM. And if it is for His name, shouldn't we care ONLY what his thoughts of us are? Shouldn't our only concern be whether HE is proud of us?

If we could only (when I say "we," I really mean "I") focus solely on Him, realizing that no earthly possession, no earthly PRIDE, fanfare, admiration, or praise could ever compare to the words of our Heavenly Father--"Well, done, my good and faithful servant, my child whom I love."