C.P. Mac's Fan Page

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Lydia + David are ENGAGED!

The wait is over! (Just look at me--blogging two days in a row!)

Here's a splash of fabulous imagery, courtesy of C.P. Mac Photography and, of course, the ever fab Lydia and David!

They are getting hitched in April 2010 and I just can't wait! (I'm a bridesmaid, too--how exciting!) Leave me some love, pretty please!

Monday, September 14, 2009

What a weekend!

Had a FAB weekend consisting of two photo shoots and two trips to Books A Million, my favorite date place with my kid.

So, my shoot Saturday was with Courtney (aka Mrs. Beautiful)--she's getting married to Dan in just two weeks! We did her bridal portraits in downtown Prattville, which was an EXCELLENT choice (kudos to you, Court!)...Don't worry--I will be showing those off as SOON as they are hitched! ;)

Sunday, I shot David and Lydia's engagement photos...they are SO beautiful and unique (both the images and the couple themselves)...I will get one up ASAP!

If you don't remember, I also shot David's proposal to Lydia back in June:

I am SO excited about getting D+L's engagement pics up...so much so, that I edited their photos in my dreams last night...too bad I didn't actually get the work done!

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Baby Cooper: Part I

I am so blessed to work with children with just giant personalities!
Take Cooper for example--he is only 3 months old, yet he looks directly at the camera pretty much on demand and smiles in return for your smile...

He is one gorgeous baby, and it's no wonder--when I arrived at Jessica and Warren's house and Jessica answered the door, I was smitten with how beautiful she was (and stylish, too!).

Look at that crocodile tear--poor baby--he was HUNGRY!
Darling tiny toes, held close by his momma...
Such a peaceful afternoon...

Mother and child--nothing more beautiful!

Laughing little boy

Whenever Jessica smiled really big-ly (I know that's not a word--it's a CPMAC-ism) at Cooper, he would burst out into a matching big grin...

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Carolyn Jean

So, Mr. Robert is one of my patients at the dentists office I work at...and he is oen of the sweetest, kindest men ever. For instance, the second time he came into the office, 6 months after the first time I met him, he grinned at me from over the counter and asked how my little boy, Malachi, was doing (yes, he not only remembered that I have a son, but remembered his name, too). That's apparently just how he is. Well, in one of our conversations, I mentioned photography to him, and somehow, I ended up at his daughter, Tiffany's, home today, captured photographs of his precious (and quite precocious) grandaughter, Carolyn Jean.
Tiffany and her husband, Larry (but you can just call him "Tadpole" she told me with a smile, and I was all like, well, alright, "Hi, Tadpole. I'm Chelsea. Nice to meet you") had been married for 20 years when Miss Cutie came along--a total surprise and blessing at the same time!

And let me tell you, Tiffany has her daddy's same loving, caring personality, and Carolyn Jean has both her momma's and grandaddy's!

Here are a few ADORABLE shots of Miss Carolyn Jean:

How much personality can you pack into such a tiny thing?!

Our little superstar was just a wee bit worn out after a full day of modeling...

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Drowning Pool

A few of Drowning Pool's promo pics that I shot while they were here in June to play at Off the Wagon. Some awesome live concert shots from their show at OTW as well as at The Swamp in Fort Walton Beach, FL soon to come!

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Heather + Rick Sneak Peek!

Sorry the site's been down for a few days ya'll! I stayed up till 12:30 last night working on it, and plan on suffering some extreme sleep deficiency to complete it tonight! I am so SUPER-excited about it, though!

Some new stuff headed your way--new gallery and proofing site at cpmac.smugmug.com which is already up and running...As customizable as it is, it's not my absolute choice, but it's pretty awesome as far as clients go. All you do is go there, locate your album, and view all your photos. You can also order prints (as can any of your friends and family) and pay by credit card (oooo...my weakness!)

Oh, and soon to come--FREQUENT blog posts!!! Yay!!!

Shot a super-fun wedding in Gulf Shores this weekend for Heather + Rick--and we can't forget their precious little man Cayton! (He walked his momma down the aisle!) Got to know the wedding couple as well as their friends and family and had a blast doing it! Heather and Rick also opted for a First Look, which was just SO beautiful, so be looking forward to that!

Every post is better with a pic, so here's a capture of all the fun and laughter! More to come soon!

Friday, May 8, 2009

So, I had two photo shoots today...the first was with a beautiul single momma, Rachel Lynn and her absolutely precious baby girl Raegan...one of Rachel's best friends, Bailey bought the packge for her for mother's day, and everything was perfect--from little bows and flowers to hot pink heels and earrings, mother and daughter made for some beautiful Mother's Day photos!

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Honest Marketing, Nikki and Marc: Anytime

So, I'm reading a book (well, actually, I just started it and I kinda skimmed through it to start with)...it speaks of marketing and the importance of honesty in your marketing approach. Like, instead of calling yourself the Premier Photographer of the World, just be honest about your business and who you are. So, for me, marketing would consist of the following plea (along with some 4-year-old style dancing and "pick me! pick me!):

I'm a single mom.
I love my kid. I love Jesus.
and I love photography.
The women. The men. The relationships. The love. The families. The moments.

Geez. My heart nearly beats out of my chest I get so excited.
How about every wedding I've shot I've nearly cried. Then I'm wiping my eyes with one hand and trying to balance my massive and horribly heavy lens and camera in the other hand, silently chiding myself, and capturing every tear-jerking, touching, endearing moment at the same time...

But it's true.
Honestly? Yeah, I've only been doing this for coming on a year. No, I don't know everything there is to know about photography--as a business or an art. But I love it. And I am driven. And I am good at what I do. I know that.

Yeah. That's about it. That's me.
Honest, no nonsense. That's who I am.

So, because every post is better with a picture (
Jasmine Star gets credit for that one):
Introducing two FABULOUS people:

Nikki and Marc. Givers extraordinaire. They are opening a community house called House of the Rising Sun in the French Quarter starting in January of 2010, and doing all sorts of outreaches for the homeless and street kids. However, work is starting now, so please head over to
Nikki's blog to find out more (and laugh alot) and help out where you can!

Nikki and Marc

Monday, February 23, 2009

Mike: Headshots

Oh, man. I suck at this blog-writing thing. Busy, busy, busy. Breathe, Chelsea, breathe.

Thursday night (like 3 weeks ago--sometime end of February [yes, '09--I'm not THAT far behind!]), I headed to Auburn to see the University's production of Into the Woods, starring one of my best girlfriends, Courtney Labosky, as Jack's mother.

I love Courtney--good times at IHOP afterwards...if you wanna know me and Court's relationship, check out this pic:

Then, Friday afternoon (after going to the University clinic with Courtney because Ms. Klutz stepped on glass on her bedroom floor), we met up with Mike, who may be heading to LA (he's more into tv acting as opposed to live theatre like Court) and needed new headshots/promo shots. Courtney directed us to downtown Opelika where we found this awesome half-renovated old building on a corner. And I must say, I am pleased with the results (of course, Mike is a cutie--my momma thinks he's a "good-looking fellow")...

Here are a few of the shots I've edited so far:

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Monday, January 12, 2009

Anna's Programs, A Sick Malachi

I just sat down with Anna and designed the program for her and Kyle's wedding at the beach in April. The front is three of their engagement portraits, and the back is their monogram and the order of service...
I can't let ya'll see till her wedding, though--it would ruin the surprise!
Speaking of which, I am SUPER-excited about finally being able to post her bridal portaits--better reign that excitement in for a few more months, though =D

Malachi has been sick. He's on antibiotics, but he keeps coughing and randomly running a high temp. I just want to cuddle him up...After Anna left, I came downstairs and tried to quitely sneak into my room without waking him...which was pointless, because he was awake--"You weft" he said sadly. "Why'd you weave me?" It was SO precious!

So, if you're on Facebook with me, you know I've been posting some recently edited photos from a Photographic Adventure I went on last Saturday with some friends of mine...

Here are some faves:

I am SO proud of my little man for this one. That's right--Malachi is a budding photographer. =D I think I may even give him a point and shoot digital for his birthday.

Friday, January 2, 2009

Biting the Bullet

I have been SO busy lately! I'm sitting in the living room right now with Britnee, Josiah, Momma, Aunt Sheri, Uncle Chip, my dad, and Tabi. Malachi's in his room presumably taking a nap, but a few minutes ago he was sitting in bed playing.

I am SO behind with the photo editing. I don't have any client work to do, but I want to finish the Fab 5 adventure pics, and all the ones from New Orleans last weekend. I do have a teaser for ya...

I am SO excited about new lenses. I got my list of *photog wishes* from Jasmine Star's blog where she lists everything in her bag--and let me tell you, I want EVERYTHING in her bag! I'll let you know when I actually bite the bullet and buy a new lens. Probably with my new camera.

Speaking of biting the bullet....I bit the bullet and bought the Bullet! The Magic Bullet that is...

I have seriously been wanting one for YEARS now and I saw it in Costco on sale for $40 and my heart just couldn't stop pounding...

Fast forward 24 hours and my whole family is exclaiming about how amazing my homemade cheesecake is...truly magic; thank you, Bullet. =D