C.P. Mac's Fan Page

Wednesday, October 29, 2008


Originally uploaded by Ryan Brenizer

This is my choice. This is my candidate. Because he supports life. Because he has the experience. Because he has chosen a most excellent running mate. Because he is presidential material. Because he does not plan to take my money and give to those who will not work.
And because he is not Obama.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Christmas special!

I'm also working up a package which includes the Christmas cards.

Christmas card pricing is $25 for 25 cards, ala carte.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Anna and Kyle ~ 10.03.08

Shot my first engagement session earlier this month with Anna and Kyle. They are too cute together and were suprisingly adventurous. In the woods, wading through a cotton field (complete with mice scurrying across the ground), on a manmade beach, kicking in a lake, and standing in a pool.

This is the completed DVD, just not quite as high quality.
Anna and Kyle both love Nat King Cole and Norah Jones, so...



Stories told,
Scriptures taught.
But nothing truer
than truth in flesh.
More real
for his presence.
Holding in his spirit,
protecting with a wary eye.

When I push.
He steps in still.
pulls me,
reigns me,
Safety all around me.
Security in his arms.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

I am so...

inconsistent with my writing.
I just read Twilight, and while I'll admit the first couple of chapters, I questioned the depth of the actual writing, it grew on me. I was up until 5 finishing it. Coffee is my sustenance today.

And I oddly find myself thinking in complete, beautifully fashioned sentences.
500 something pages of highly detailed first person point of view writing has apparently worked it's way into my system.

Now, to do something productive with it. How about a book?, I think so nonsensically. How many times have I purposed to pen a novel and made it through one painstakingly crafted page, only to surrender willingly within 24 hours? The answer to that is MANY times.

What to right then?

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Fannie's Wedding

Not all my photography, because I wasn't the official photographer, but I put it together for her anyway...

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

RE: Nikki's post

Funny that you mention all that.
Today's the first truly rainy day we've had in a LONG time, and it is oddly comforting to me. Driving to work was...peaceful. Surrounded by rain, not able to see but maybe a quarter mile ahead of me...the world wasn't so big anymore.
Who was it in the Bible that said "I don't concern myself with matters too great for me"? David, I think.

Malachi's absolute FAVORITE story is Jesus calming the waves.
David and Goliath--okay whatever, he was a giant, big deal.
But when Jesus says, "Peace, be still..." That is Malachi's favorite line. Sometimes, when I'm upset with him, Malachi will say in his most authoritative voice, "Peace, be still."

I quiet myself like a child, I still myself in the presence of the Lord, delighting in, finding peace in the comfort of His heart.

Monday, July 21, 2008


Had an AWESOME time this weekend. I was in my first wedding--Kailie, one of my very good friends, married Jacob on Saturday (07.19.08). Sawyer, her son (and one Malachi's best friends) was the ring-bearer and his cousin, Lily, was the flower girl. She only has three bridesmaids, but it was so sweet and simple. I wasn't the official photographer (seeing as I was in the wedding), but I documented the Bachelorette party (which I also hosted), the rehearsal and rehearsal dinner, and pre-wedding events...I was a BUSY girl this weekend!

Friday, July 11, 2008


Hair, originally uploaded by C.P. MAC Photography.

I am still editing pictures of Courtney from back in May (has it really been like 2 months already? This is my most recent, and I like it ALOT!

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Looking Up

Looking Up, originally uploaded by C.P. MAC Photography.

Malachi, spinning on a Sunday afternoon. What a little cutie--I love my man!

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Last night--God is AMAZING!

Taken from my scribblings last night at Axxess (no editing--just pure me and God):
Something is happening and has already begun.
I no longer cling relentlessly to the idea of true love in persistance.
I purpose to persist in knowing true love, He who relentlessly pursues me.
Is there any other? Is there any human example of this mightly selflessness that may suffice?
No. There is only One. One lover, one love. Him, me.
How fruitlessly have I focused, how blindly have I fought like a child, kicking and screaming, proclaiming my own maturity when all I should have done, all that would bring me joy is to surrender to my pain, my vulnerability and curl up in His arms, collapse and allow Him to breathe for me.
Somehow, I thought that if I let go, I would lose my "true" love.
The truth is, my true love only wanted me to love Him.
I need to fall in love with You.
I need to cling to You and Your truth, and live and breathe in Your essence.
like a child, I cling to You, knowing full well that nothing depends on me.
What freedom to know that--to rest on and in You.

Thursday, May 15, 2008

High five

, originally uploaded by Fotos de Fonseca.

Me and my kid, musicians...or at least, we're both wannabes...=D

Note from my Momma; On Faith

I started this post at the end of April and have been adding a few words here and there since then.

The sweet, encouraging note my Momma sent to work with me yesterday:

How right she is!

So, how bout God told Tyler to pray for me and Macey and what he was praying for me coincides PERFECTLY with God's Words to me--I know I am not crazy, though I am quite a bit humbled...GOD chose to talk to ME! He cares about my hurts--like, I know this and have known this, but to step back and look at what you're going through and go, WOW, God is present and sovereign and He TRULY cares that I am hurting and the day of His salvation is at hand, He is coming quickly all for me...oh, how unfailing is His love.

The thought occured to me yesterday, on the subject of faith...

So, I continually screw up. I mean, I am not perfect, and while I am confident that the Lord will complete His good work in me, well, I am just...human. Not as if that's an explanation. Having received the grace of God through Christ, you'd think I needn't go back to the cross, like, daily.

Ok, so the point is this: No, I don't deserve it, this blessing God is bringing to me--in NO way have I earned it or have I even pleased God--and I was asking Him about this, just please don't take it away from me, because God, if I were You, I wouldn't bless me (basically, that's the jist of my prayer), and He placed in my spirit this verse from Hebrews--that Abraham was declared righteous by his faith. Not because he was perfect, but because he believed without ceasing God's promises as well as the character of God.
Today, we are still declared righteous by God through our faith.
Which at times is even more difficult to control than our actions--the mind is something terrible and the devil's fiery darts mentioned in Ephesians, I believe, are doubt.
Stand firm in faith, CRAZY belief in both God and His promises, for He is true to His word!

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

How I adore my little boy!

How I adore, originally uploaded by C.P. MAC Photography.

We've been having so much fun together lately.

He especially enjoys me tickling him. In fact, the other night, he wouldn't go to sleep until he was all giggled out.

I told him on the phone on my way home last night that I was going to tickle him when I got home from work, and one of the first things he did when I walked in the door was say, "Na-na-na-boo-boo!" and take of running and saying, "Tickle me!"

I can't wait to get off of work today and play with him...although, Axxess is tonight and I won't get to spend much time with him...

I do get to play bass, though, and that always brightens my day (as does worshipping my God who loves me, of course!)

I am so excited at whatever God is doing...I can just feel it in my spirit...He is working something out for good...

I'm pumped!

Friday, May 9, 2008


Content, originally uploaded by C.P. MAC Photography.

Love this pic. Just wanted to link it to my blog...
Love my polka dot shirt, love the half face...just playing around but i really like it.

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Back Pocket

Back Pocket, originally uploaded by C.P. MAC Photography.

I love my best friend. I had to call him today to tell him that.

I wonder what will happen when we are both serious with someone...

Today's troubles are enough for today, God will give grace for tomorrow's trouble tomorrow.

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Relax and Contemplate

Polish at the Park, originally uploaded by C.P. MAC Photography.

Relaxed some today. Went to the park with my best friend, Aaron, and we talked and read some from Psalms and basically figured out a bunch of stuff, and then tonight, at Axxess, it was as if Ryan had heard our entire conversation--from prayer to the message, God confirmed EVERYTHING.

All in all, my focus is Jesus. Everything else is second place.

God is amazing.

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Nehemiah notes

So, random God-is-awesomeness...
Last weekend (04-20-08), God spoke to me to go through Nehemiah. So, I did. Or at least I started. I'm never as disciplined as I should be, but that's why God is sharpening me. =D
Point is, last night, Aaron leaned in the car before I left IHOP and said, just start putting together a series...like, I need to have something prepared to treach.

Hm...God has been being pretty obvious lately. I think sometimes he's like, "Chelsea, you are being entirely too dense--do I need to spell it out for you?"
"Yes, Lord. I apparently need to be humbled by the obviousness of You speaking to me, the wonder of You loving me...even still."

Monday, April 28, 2008

New check card

My new check card, because for the second time in a half-year period, I have misplaced mine...

Wednesday, April 23, 2008


Tiles, originally uploaded by C.P. MAC Photography.

Every house we went in (which was alot), Malachi went into the shower in every bathroom and told me whether it was cool or not.

He rather liked this one. I had a hard time getting him out. =D

This weekend

Brick, originally uploaded by C.P. MAC Photography.

Malachi and Tabi and I went to the parade of homes, and I LOVE the brickwork in one wing of this house. I lost sight of Malachi for a moment, and he was laying with his blankie on the floor in the sun in the laundry room.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008


The ABC's of ME: Wasting my time

A- ATTACHED OR SINGLE: Single, technically, but my heart is attached

B- BEST FRIEND: female-Kacy, male-Aaron

C- CAKE OR PIE: chocolate cake with fudge frosting from Wal-mart; that's what we got for Malachi's family birthday party and it was DELICIOUS!




G- GREATEST ACCOMPLISHMENT: of course, it's only by God's grace, so it's not really MY accomplishment, but my greatest accomplishment is definitely surrendering my life to Jesus (although it seems I have to redo it quite)

H- HOMETOWN: Metairie, Louisiana

I- INDULGENCES: Peppermint Mocha Frappaccino (or Latte, depending on my mood), Vault, queso

J- JANUARY OR JULY: July--yay for the beach!

K- KIDS: Malachi Blayde, 3

L- LIFE IS INCOMPLETE WITHOUT: Malachi, T, my Bible and prayer (if I'm missing one of those last two I really feel incomplete)



O- ORANGES OR APPLES: Golden delicious apples, sliced

P- PHOBIAS OR FEARS: Not being in God's will

Q- QUOTES: "The Lord will work out His plans for my life--for Your faithful love, O Lord, endures forever. Don't abandon me, for you made me." Psalm 138:8

R- REASON TO SMILE: Malachi (when he's being so, so sweet), because God loves me and never let me go, even when I am stupid

S- SEASON: Autumn

T- TAG FIVE FRIENDS: Brooke, Kacy, Aaron, Macey, Elyse, Kailie, Fannie (yes, I know--that 7, but those are the grand total of my best friends)

U- UNKNOWN FACT ABOUT ME: I'm pretty much an open book--ask me and I'll tell you. And I'll also relay either how Jesus forgave me or look how far God has brought me

V- VERY FAVORITE STORE: Aeropostale, Victoria's Secret, Rue 21 (clearance sections ONLY) Wal-mart

W- WORST HABIT: my dirty car, not practicing bass or voice (both of which I'm sure I would rock at if I would practice), shop therapy

X- X-RAY OR ULTRASOUND: x-ray, no grody gels

Y- YOUR FAVORITE FOOD: anything and everything of Mexican origin

Z- ZODIAC: Gemini, I think. Why does it matter?

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

From Louie Giglio's blog

<:: 268 BLOG ::>: "Somewhere in between the sovereignty of God (He does whatever pleases Him) and our free choices is an interesting invitation: Ask. It's not that God is at our beck and call, delivering on time whatever our latest whim. Yet, He deliberately invites us to ask of Him the things that are in our heart. Within God's unwavering control, there is room for our requests. And, according to His Word, our asking can effect the outcome of things great and small. What's more He adds: You do not have, because you do not ask God. (James 4:2b)."

How I Feel--What I Need

This is how I feel:

"Oh baby, if I was your lady

I will make you happy

I'm never gonna leave, never gonna leave

Oh baby, I would be your lady

I am going crazy...for you"

~Colbie Caillat, Oxygen~

This is what I need:

"Give me one pure and holy passion

Give me one magnificent obsession

Give me one glorious ambition for my life

To know and follow hard after You"

~Passion, Pure and Holy Passion~

I thought about this the other day--I am at a point right now where I hunger to hunger for God and His Word, I thirst to thirst for His living water. It's like, I am not compelled as I wish I was to spend more time with Him, I do not have this deep heart desire to talk with Him, though I wish to possess a Spirit driving towards Him. I woke up with the lyrics "How can I keep from singing Your praise..." going through my head, and, truly, how can I?

How in the world, when He has spoken so directly to me, can I doubt that He has spoken at all? How can I look at the circumstance that surround me, failing to focus my eyes on His love for me, the grace He has given to overcome, and the power of His name?

Mostly, I just want to be magnificently obsessed...

To look into someone's eyes way more often than Sunday evenings (as I did with Mrs. Ellen at the mall this past Sunday) and share that GOD LOVES THEM and mean it, because I feel it everday in the root of my being...that just as everything God does for us stems from His love for us, shouldn't everything that I do stem from my love for God? Of course, my love for Him will never compare--His love is unfailing and mine fails oh so often, and yet..yet, He is the author and PERFECTOR...does He not perfect our love into being more and more like His own? Of course He does. Reference 1 Corinthians 13--the GREATEST of these is love.

And while I long to be obsessed (this all is related to Pastor Joey message this past Sunday morning at Lakewood) with my God and Father, everytime I am with Him, in prayer, at church, etc...I am expressing my longing to be with my earthly love. It overwhelms me how much my heart hurts, how much I wish to be with him. And it hurts so bad that I many times don't even feel like expanding my heart and mind to focus on prayer, reading the Word, etc.

Yes, I know that at times you must press through when you feel least like it, I know that to praise is to win the victory, but the heart motives must be correct. I WANT to praise out of utter awe for my Father, I want to pray just to spend time with Him...but the thing is, He is my Father, and I am in pain (did the psalmist not cry out over and over for the Lord to deliver him from distress?) and I SO want to just be delivered--for God to bring to completion His promise to me, to be happy and to be filled with the joy of His salvation "here in the land of the living" (ref. psalm 27:13 "Yet I am confident I will see the Lord’s goodness while I am here in the land of the living.") I ask God to make me to long for Him, to focus on Him, and yet, as James says, "You have not because you ask not" and I fear if I fail to continue in persistant prayer for my love...well, I just long dearly to be with him. To care for him, to love him entirely--for Christ's love to show through me to him...that's what our earthly relationships are for, our romance--to reveal to each of us a deeper revelation of Jesus Christ and God our Father and Agape love.
Lord, lift me up, lift him up, Your will be done! Give me a HUNGER!
in Jesus' mighty name, AMEN!

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Storming Outside

"I believe you will come like the rain"
-Misty Edwards, My Soul Longs for You

It's raining outside--well, actually storming. Not so much thunder, but lots of rain and wind. I love to listen to this song when the sky is looking like rain.
God comes like the rain. We think of the rain as being the storms of life, but the truth is, it is IN the storms that He comes--that's when He shows up. At the last minute, in all His glory, He comes like the rain, in the rain, to spite the rain.

And He makes all things new.

Friday, April 4, 2008


So, yeah, I'm tired. I'm going to bed.

Still have alot on my heart and mind...praying for God to just continue to speak to me.

I'll have to write in more detail tomorrow, but basically, I'm at a point that I am hungering to hunger for God. Like, I want to want Him--I desire to desire Him...I'm just not where I want to be yet. I'm not satisfied where I am, casual relationship with a Word from Him here and there. I don't want to feel SO undeserving of His blessings...kinda like when you're only so-so friends with someone and you ask them to do a favor and they're doing it for you but you feel kinda crappy because you don't want to just be their friend for what they can do for you...

Yeah, I'll write more later.

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Has God calmed your fear?

Wednesday April 02
This week's promise: God cares for the persecuted
Has God calmed you fear?

In my distress I prayed to the Lord and the Lord answered me and rescued me. The Lord is for me, so I will not be afraid. What can mere mortals do to me? Yes, the Lord is for me; he will help me. Psalm 118:5-7 NLT

Prayer offers us a way out of our fear. It is all a matter of calling upon Jesus' name. Only in His name is there help. The more we call upon His name, the more we will experience this truth.
Mother Basilea Schlink (1904-2001)

The Lord is for me
Today's verses tell us that the psalmist was in a frightening situation. But in his distress, he cried out to God in prayer. Because of God's presence and strength in response to his plea, the psalmist could look in triumph at those who hated and attacked him. For every difficulty and trial, God has prepared a way. His eyes are on those who trust in him in their distress, and his ears are attentive to their cries. You can know and rest assured that just as God was for David, he is for you! And because the all-powerful Lord who is on your side is your shield and defender, you do not have to be afraid. The Lord is greater than any problem, greater than any fear, greater than any person opposing you. Thank him for his help in past situations when there seemed to be no way out, and trust him and thank him for being "for you" today.
LORD, thank you for answering me and helping me in my distress. Thank you for being for me! That truth is amazing to me and assures me of your concern for me. Help me to resolve not to be afraid because the Lord of the universe is on my side!
Adapted from
The One Year® Book of Praying through the Bible by Cheri Fuller, Tyndale House Publishers (2003), entry for May 21.

That was in my email today. How much it resounds with me and my "situation." The Lord is for me--who EVER can be against me? I mean, sure the devil can try, but when God determines to do something, when He makes a promise, no power of hell can put a stop to it. Psalm 138:8 says, "The Lord will work out His plans for my life--for your faithful love endures forever. Don't abandon me, for you made me." I love that verse...it covers SO many things!

For one, "the plans of the Lord stand firm forever" (Psalm 33:11). He knows the beginning from the end--in fact, He IS the beginning and the end (the Alpha and the Omega). He has numbered our days and has recorded every one, before we were ever born. Why? Because He loves us. His love is the basis for ALL things that the Lord does. His creation, His beauty, His blessings, His plan for salvation through Jesus Christ, and even His justice--all are based on His great, enduring love for us. Just as Paul writes, "And now these three remain--faith, hope, and love--but the greatest of these is love." He also refers to love as "the most excellent way."

Why do you think the Word of God places so much emphasis on love as THE most important concept in our Christian lives, above spiritual gifts, above giving, and even above faith and hope? Because our God IS love. Love exists because God exists. Love is God's essential character--thus, all that He does and is stems from that.

I empathize completely with the psalmist's cry--"Don't abandon me, for you made me!" Isaiah 43:7 says, "Bring all who claim me as their God, for I have made them for my glory. It was I who created them." I find myself thinking, Lord, how do you get glory from this? Don't abandon me--you made me and you did it for Your own glory! Show Yourself God, please! Kind of like Moses--for the glory of YOUR name, Lord!

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

In prison--Joy in the morning!

Are you in prison? You are probably not literally behind bars, but your circumstances may make you feel as if you are. Don't despair; it will not last. It is ordained by God and is designed either for your current witness or future usefulness. He is refining you and molding you into His image, the exact likeness of His crucified Son.

Adapted from The One Year® Walk with God Devotional by Chris Tiegreen, Tyndale House Publishers (2004), entry for April 22.
Circumstances. I've heard it said that Happiness is due to circumstances, joy comes from within. However, in Psalm 30:5 (which is the verse the Lord spoke to me Friday), the psalmist says, "For his anger lasts only a moment, but his favor lasts a lifetime; weeping may remain for a night, but rejoicing comes in the morning." Joy comes in the morning...wouldn't that mean that joy is also, in a way, circumstantial? I mean, joy and mourning are dependent upon whether it is night or day?
That's actually an encouraging thought to me--because I have felt, many times, that i should have joy in the midst of my circumstances, and when I am still sad, I start feeling like I am not a good enough Christian, that maybe I don't love the Lord as much as I thought I did.
But, no, that is not it at all. Weeping lasts through the night, and yet, through God's favor, joy will come in the morning. The JOY in the midst of your circumstance is found in the FAITH that morning will come, joy will truly come, that night cannot and will not last forever. Joy is found in God's favor.

Saturday, March 29, 2008

The righteousness of God

"When we display our righteous deeds, they are nothing but filthy rags."
Isaiah 64:6

“God made him who had no sin to be sin for us, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God.”- 2 Corinthians 5:21

See, the key difference is this: OUR righteousness and HIS righteousness.

Our righteousness, every good thing we do in and of ourselves, is nothing but filth, because it is apart from Christ. But "in him," in Christ Jesus, when we abide in him, not only do we possess HIS righteousness, we BECOME the righteousness of God. So, I think Jesus's death and resurrection, the forgiveness of sins and justification, goes maybe a step further. So that "we might become the righteousness of God."

just another way that we are to become like God, conformed to not only His will, but His image, His heart.

God's Word to me

So, Friday, Kacy got to work @ 3 and I was still there...she came with me over to the server station to refill the sugar caddies and I had my Bible out on the counter and she grabbed and said that she had happened upon a verse earlier yesterday that she thought of for me--Psalm 30:5--"For his anger lasts only a moment, but his favor lasts a lifetime; weeping may remain for a night, but rejoicing comes in the morning."

But then get this, Aaron and I were texting later that night, and he said, "Just keep on going. weeping last through the night, but joy comes with the morning." And I'm going, okay, God, you are obviously speaking to me!

As I was laying in bed falling asleep, I was praying, and i remembered what Macey said--"In order to get the right answers, you have to ask the right questions." And I was like, "OK, what do I want to know? Because I can ask God..." SO I asked Him, "You are obviously speaking to me, God, so my question is this--when is morning?" And his answer--7 weeks. I don't know for sure what all the means, but I am SO leaning on His Words in faith, complete trust that He's spoken and He hears my every prayer.

Friday, March 28, 2008

The camera on my wish list (and more)

So, I just wasted 40 minutes of my life on Flickr looking at photos from random people. The good news is that i figured out what camera I want--the bad news is that is costs over 1000. It's the Canon EOS 5D...I would love to buy it before Fannie's wedding in September and be able to try my hand at some wedding photography. Man, that would be pretty darn cool--I'd LOVE it!

Now, where might that money come from? Oh, it would be even better if I could have it before I go to Mexico in July.

Speaking of which, oh yeah, by the way, I'm going to Mexico with Mike and Vikki and Love the Children Ministries again this summer, the last week of July. YAY!

Lord, I want to thank you for my many blessings. You've spoken to me in so many ways and given me so many things, more than I could've dreamed, and hey, you're still actively guiding my life--THANK YOU JESUS!

I was listening to Christ for the Nations and "When I Speak Your Name" still draws tears whenever I hear. Just acknowledging and singing about the fact that the name of our Lord and Savior is SO powerful--"When i speak your name, mountains move, chains are loosed"...I find myself shouting in my car, "In the name of Jesus Christ, mountain be moved. Oh please Jesus, move the mountain, loose the chains, only you are able, only through You are all things possible, only through Your name, and for the sake of Your name, is there such awesome power!"

Kacy's birthday is Monday, and we're probably going to eat Sunday afternoon. I bought her a really pretty black glass frame and I'm going to put this picture in it:
I'm pretty tired now. I don't quite know what it is God wants me to be doing with my life, but I know that He's leading me, guiding me, planning something. I'll just follow and trust him--of course, I may not do it very well all the time, but I'm always learning and always learning to lean on Him and rest in His arms, and most of all to TRUST His promises, TRUST His ways, TRUST His love.

Leaving Rennaissance

So, I'm thinking maybe leaving Rennaissance is what God wants me to do. Beside the fact that my parents and Kacy support the idea, they ("they" being Rennaissance management) want to require me to take a "TIPS" class Wednesday from 8-330 or something that is mandatory and I simply can't make it, so...thank you God, for the undeniable direction.

I mean, it's giving up alot of benefits, alot of extra income every month--but, you know, anything to follow where God wants me. Anything to be in His will, anything to be obedient.

I just hope and pray for undeniable direction in that other part of my life. Suffice it to say, my heart hurts. I cried myself to sleep last night.

All I know to say is:
Praise the Lord for all that He has done and is doing. I know He is at work--He loves me and us and I know He will provide. He will provide the finances I will not have leaving this job and He will provide the other in my life.

He is Jehovah Jirah, my provider.
Speaking of which, hopefully that will be my topic of discussion when I teach at Lakewood next, next Wednesday.
Write about that later...

Thursday, March 27, 2008

To love and be loved...and BE LOVE

The only thing that counts is faith living it out in love

The only thing that counts is faith living it out in love

And love covers over a multitude of sins

And love makes up for oh so many things

The only thing that counts is faith living it out in love

The only thing that counts is faith, let's live it out in love

Christ is the fire that keeps this love alive

We will shine brighter when He is our delight

The only thing that counts is faith living it out in love

The only thing that counts is faith, let's live it out in love

Love covers over oh so many sins,

Let's live it out, let's give it all to Him

He is the fire,

He'll keep this love alive

We'll shine so bright'

Cause He is our delight

The Only Thing That Counts

Christine Dente
I've thought to myself, "What is the point of life?," as I'm sure we all have. And the only thing that makes sense to me is this: The thing that really counts is first of all, walking in God's will, and what makes life worthwhile is to love and be loved in return. I Corinthians 13, in Chelsea paraphrase, says "Nothing counts if you don't have love, LOVE is what it's all about" (it being life, our existence). That, I'm sure, is because God is love. His love for us is the reason for his plan of salvation, the reason for his creation of mankind in the first place--all that He is and all that He does is due to love. Even His punishment is out of love--Hebrews 12:6 says, "For the Lord disciplines those he loves, and he punishes each one he accepts as his child.” So, everything that he does and that He allows is to grow us and shape us more and more into His image, into who He is so that we can melt into His heart's shape. So, not only to love and be loved in this love, but really we are continually being shaped to BE LOVE, just as our Father IS LOVE.

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Read this article

"The cross is the place where the outrage of man’s sin collides with the magnificent holiness of God."
-Benji Nolot-

Not to us, but to Your name be the glory!

"Not to us, Lord, not to us
but to your name be the glory,
because of your love and faithfulness."
~Psalm 115:1~

Aaron told me to read Psalm 116 today, and I happened upon the above verse, which I think I needed to read. Well, I don't think--I know.

We all want to feel needed, necessary to the Kingdom, to our church. But there exists a fine line between wanting to walk in God's will, wanting to BE all that He has designed us to be, to carry out his purposes and wanting to be recognized. I guess that's something that we all face, in some form, shape, or fashion. To be recognized as "in charge" in the church, someone to look to. But really, who's glory do we (or should we) do all things for? It is for the name of Jesus Christ, for the name and glory of Jehovah God, our Father, the I AM. And if it is for His name, shouldn't we care ONLY what his thoughts of us are? Shouldn't our only concern be whether HE is proud of us?

If we could only (when I say "we," I really mean "I") focus solely on Him, realizing that no earthly possession, no earthly PRIDE, fanfare, admiration, or praise could ever compare to the words of our Heavenly Father--"Well, done, my good and faithful servant, my child whom I love."

Quote of the Day

Quote of the day:

"So, when I see you, my heart goes out to you. And when that mixes with the attraction, it can throw a brother for a whirl."

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

April 9

Pastor Joey asked me to speak April 9th (Wednesday), filling in for him. He is doing a series on the names of God, so he's going to bring the material to church Sunday for me to look at and pick which one I want to teach on.
Thank you for the oppurtunity to teach, Lord.

Found a song today that I would really like to do at Axxess, or at least have Ryan do anyway--Shout of the King by Hillsong.

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Grace only

The more and more I think about it, the more and more it occurs to me about God’s grace.

I certainly don’t deserve this—to have all my MANY prayers answered. For God to work so spectacularly in my life, in my heart and his.

But He did. And He is. And I thank Jesus for the way into God’s presence and into forgiveness and for “every spiritual blessing” (Ephesians 1).

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Not much time

About to start studying Peter--especially the issue about faith. Going to get Tom Benz' message from October and listen to that and really start studying it. I'm pretty excited.

Oh, excitement! I'm joining Planet Fitness, that new gym today, so I'll be lean and mean and fit and trim and ALL that jazz =D

I really need to remember to give LIFE updates here...write more later...

Thursday, January 17, 2008


Went to see Paul (Lewis-my boss from Cornerstone) yesterday at the Rennaissance. I guess I basically have the job, but since it's a big company, there are policies and procedures for everything, so I had to go through a short interview (after waiting for an hour), and today his assistant, Jennifer, is supposed to be calling and I'll probably have to go there after work for uniform fitting which are today.
Uniform fitting--that speaks much higher class than I've ever working in the restaurant industry, so I'm pretty excited. I love working here with Dr. Cornwell, and I am SO blessed to have this positition and in this location and even to have the awesome co-workers that I love like family. I just really want to get a start on financial stability...to save money to build a house for Malachi and me and also to be able to give more into ministry and missions, and even to be able to have a fund saved up to go on missions trips myself.
oops. which reminds me that i need to go get my passport SOON...did you know that there's now a new law that you have to have a passport to travel to Mexico and Canada, too? Not that I'm very concerned about Canada, but I'm going back to Mexico this summer, God-willing.

Yeah, speaking of God's will, there are other things close to my heart that I believe sincerely are in God's will, but I am earnestly seeking Him on it. When I find something out, or rather, when it finally happens and falls into place, it will definitely be written about in full detail--to the GLORY OF GOD!

Monday, January 7, 2008

His plans stand firm

So, Kacy and I were talking last night about God's plans and she said, well, God can change His plans though, like in Exodus when He got so fed up with the Israelites that he threatened to kill them all and Moses intervened.

Which got me thinking on this question: Does God change His mind? Does He change His plans?

And the answer is No, absolutely not.

He is not man that he should lie. He ALWAYS keeps His promises. Before we were born, he had already written out our entire lives.

The situation with Moses, I think, was that...

(March 29, 2008)
Because God is all and knows all--past, present, and future--he knew the man of faith that Moses was, he knew that Moses also had a relationship with him and that he would actively question God's promise, reminding him that His name was at sake, and whether the people of Israel deserved it, God had made a promise and for the glory of God's name, He would lead them into the promised land.
Of course, the Israelites weren't let off the hook completely, but at the same time, they did enter the promised land, just as the Lord promised (hence the "promised" in "promised land")...
Because "the Lord’s plans stand firm forever; his intentions can never be shaken." -Psalm 33:11-

Thursday, January 3, 2008

Macey got her first patient request yesterday--I'm so PROUD of her!

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

New Year's Resolutions (Part I)

Of course, I have to be all cliche' and impose New Year's Resolutions upon myself, so...here it goes...

#1 I say this every year, but this year I will actually read through my Bible. The NLT One Year Bible has a good reading plan and i have it on my google homepage so i can read it online, and this morning i printed out January's reading chart, so that doubles my chances of actually following through. and it gives me a good reason to spend time in God's Word. I mean, alot of the time, I don't really know where to start reading, and i just randomly open which really cuts down on how much i read because i'll skim a few verses here and there but not really dig in and EAT and feed the hunger. With all that I went through last year, well, this year has got to be different. Which leads to goal #2...

#2 Trust God more. Unfortunately, there's really no way to define this one--no way to measure whether i accomplish it or not. But, I am pretty sure i will be much happier and joyful and like my life a good deal more if i really trust God, knowing that Psalm 138:8 is truth. "The Lord will work out His plans for my life--for your faithful love, O Lord, endures forever. Don't abandon me, for you made me."

#3 Teach Malachi his ABC's. I was going to do with "Be a better mom" but I don't need another immeasurable goal. I'll take baby steps, one little goal at a time with Malachi, and slowly but surely be a better mom by accomplishing little things like this.

More to come...I'm so far from perfect, my list could go on FOREVER. So, I'll just pray and sift the wheat from the tares...=D